Yes this is 'Number 1 Son' - aka Sergio - and Serge and a variety of other names too, if truth be known! He still lives in England as his business is based there, but his work involves a bit of 'globe trotting' too. (Lucky 'whatsit').
His 'lady' is Lyndsey a lovely girl, but I don't know how she puts up with him most of the time...
They don't get many holidays due to his work load, but in a few days time he's taking her off to Las Vegas (last New Year it was Osaka and Tokyo and they both fell in love with the country).

They hope to 'do' the Grand Canyon flight/visit during their stay. I think my stories about my flight and visit spurred them to do the same. For those of you who have done it, I think you'll agree - they won't be disappointed.
As I mentioned - 'he' is one of my favourite people. We don't live in each other's pockets, but he remains, not just my only son, but my best friend too. Gone are the days when every time he phoned I would wonder 'how much this time'....(sound familiar? hahahaha). But all parents go through that I s'pose. It's a risk we all take. We've now got to the stage where he phones and asks ME if I need anything. Well. thank you very much...I can live with a son like that!
But being a parent these days must be a nightmare. From where I stand I see many youngsters in the UK who seem to be totally out of control. They have little or no respect for other's property or for others lives either.
I can remember when the new fangled law about not being allowed to hit your child was introduced. I found it surprising, but maybe it was necessary. As a parent I knew exactly the difference between a correctional slap and an abusive beating. But the authorities felt that parents weren't capable of knowing the difference. I clearly remember the first time I had occasion to slap (once, but heavily) my son following that legislation (he was in his late teens), and he was brave enough to answer the slap with "You're not allowed to do that - I'm going to report you, so there!" Great, I said - I opened the front door and told him to go to the Police Station in the next road and do it! Of course he didn't... But I never had need to smack/hit him again.
I had always been in favour of doing away with conscription, but the years have made me reconsider that belief... Conscription should be brought back, but for both boys AND girls above 18years of age!
I love the fact that you and Serge are best friends. Must be wonderful to be so close to your kids. Hope I'm like that if I ever had children. WTG Dork Vader!!!
Ha!As Mama D to four sons - youngest of 22, I sooooo agree with you about how to have an "open door" policy to the police station - I drove mine there once when they wanted to disobay about seatbelts! But we also always had an open door at home policy for all their friends (hence the Mama D name) so we KNEW who their friends were, where everyone was, and what they were up too! Big Italian meals tend to make all the gang feel they belong and soon we were Mama D and Papa! So now we are swtill all friends and our sons also ask what do we need now!
And boy do I agree about those football clubs ... errrrr! :( Who can afford to take their children to a game anymore? And now they claim they are broke????
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