Well we've certainly had to cast aside our happy faces and joined the 'Deep Thinkers Club' over recent days haven't we?
Sad really, but hey - who's NOT worried at the moment? Being able to realise that others are in the same boat - for me - is maybe not reassuring - but definately comforting. If we need to drown our sorrows or celebrate our good fortune, what better place than among friends?
I think I've been careful enough and my past plans will carry me through any bad days that might lie ahead. But I'll have to be careful and think very carefully about spending on any NON essentials for a while. I'm not going to sell the few shares I've got, they're already too low to make much difference, and at least they don't eat anything, so I'll just do without any dividend that they might have paid for a while.
I had been 'thinking' about a new baby car - but now I'll stick with the Vectra. Had it since new (1999) and I know it's service history. It has JUST reached 100,000 on the clock and STILL goes like a dream!
Two weeks ago, following a loooong talk with my 'cardio', I DID splash out on a treadmill... This is because I am finding walking (outside) increasingly difficult and winter is nigh with icy pavements etc. and with my stick, rough surfaces and arthritis I really am a good candidate for falling on the floor! More of that later though...
So now it's back to frugality for a while - well, been there, done that more than once - AND I've survived, so it doesn't frighten me. My biggest fear though is that I'll have another heart attack if I hear much more about some of those greedy finacial bast*rds, who have caused all these problems, sunning themselves and eating caviar in the Bahamas with OUR MONEY! How come 'we' have to bail 'them' out? They should have their money confiscated like they do to drug barons and Mafia bosses - and THEN be put in jail - forever! Goddammit
- some of them earn in a day what I have to live on for a YEAR!
Oh - and I'm not sorry if certain football clubs are billions in debt - serves 'em blo*dy right! They've fleeced their fans for FAR too long!
Yeah, yeah - OK, I'll get off... but you know how I love it up here
Sad really, but hey - who's NOT worried at the moment? Being able to realise that others are in the same boat - for me - is maybe not reassuring - but definately comforting. If we need to drown our sorrows or celebrate our good fortune, what better place than among friends?
I think I've been careful enough and my past plans will carry me through any bad days that might lie ahead. But I'll have to be careful and think very carefully about spending on any NON essentials for a while. I'm not going to sell the few shares I've got, they're already too low to make much difference, and at least they don't eat anything, so I'll just do without any dividend that they might have paid for a while.
I had been 'thinking' about a new baby car - but now I'll stick with the Vectra. Had it since new (1999) and I know it's service history. It has JUST reached 100,000 on the clock and STILL goes like a dream!
Two weeks ago, following a loooong talk with my 'cardio', I DID splash out on a treadmill... This is because I am finding walking (outside) increasingly difficult and winter is nigh with icy pavements etc. and with my stick, rough surfaces and arthritis I really am a good candidate for falling on the floor! More of that later though...
So now it's back to frugality for a while - well, been there, done that more than once - AND I've survived, so it doesn't frighten me. My biggest fear though is that I'll have another heart attack if I hear much more about some of those greedy finacial bast*rds, who have caused all these problems, sunning themselves and eating caviar in the Bahamas with OUR MONEY! How come 'we' have to bail 'them' out? They should have their money confiscated like they do to drug barons and Mafia bosses - and THEN be put in jail - forever! Goddammit

Oh - and I'm not sorry if certain football clubs are billions in debt - serves 'em blo*dy right! They've fleeced their fans for FAR too long!
Yeah, yeah - OK, I'll get off... but you know how I love it up here

Sure and I've spoken with my doctor, Jimmy Magee, who's directly from the Old Sod himself. He says what I’ll surely be needing is a wee drop of Guinness three times a day. Of course I suggested to him that there would be no crime in taking the three wee drops in a single sitting. Jimmy sort of wrinkled up his face and frowned at this idea, him being a real doctor and all.
Hi Head Dork... Joe B.
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